A bright sunny day in the middle of the record rainy season
My feeling of happiness and content is holding well! I am liking Seattle in spite of the fact that we are now well into the rainy season (and a record one at that!) and even though almost all my account work is still on New York office based accounts. :-)
It now rains almost every day, although on most days here that means a light shower rather than the kind of rain we got used to on the East Coast. I completely got a kick out of the fact that today is a gorgeous, clear and sunny day in Seattle and in New York it's miserable, cold and raining! I made it a point to mention this in a particularly cheerful voice to all the friends and colleagues from New York with whom I spoke today, especially the ones who have a habit of calling and asking "Is it raining now? Is it raining now?"

It now rains almost every day, although on most days here that means a light shower rather than the kind of rain we got used to on the East Coast. I completely got a kick out of the fact that today is a gorgeous, clear and sunny day in Seattle and in New York it's miserable, cold and raining! I made it a point to mention this in a particularly cheerful voice to all the friends and colleagues from New York with whom I spoke today, especially the ones who have a habit of calling and asking "Is it raining now? Is it raining now?"
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