Here comes Comet McNaught!

Comet McNaught is all over the news but to our great disappointment we did not manage to see it in person. The weather in Seattle did not exactly cooperate: two nights ago we had a snow storm that cause havoc including severe traffic problems and office closures (mostly due to ice on the roads), yesterday was a sunny day but with freezing temperatures and today, when we finally decided to brave the cold and see the comet, southern-southwestern sky had significant cloud cover! In addition to not having a clear sunset, today was the last day to see the comet in the Northern Hemisphere which meant that we had a very small time window
and that the comet would be very low on the horizon. Although some claimed they could see a momentary glimpse of the comet (we could not!) by the time the coulds somewhat parted the sun had already set and it was too late. Thus we will have to settle for local TV coverage and numerous online photos. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory - SOHO also has a fun website with footage of the comet from a different perspective.

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