Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Orhan Pamuk in Seattle!

It was an absolute treat to attend a lecture by Turkish writer and 2006 Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk on Monday at Seattle's Bennaroya Hall, which kicked off the 20th anniversary Literary Lecture Series from Seattle Arts and Lectures. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience - a combination of prepared remarks and readings, spontaneous and often humorous stories and colorful responses to audience questions. Pamuk is one of my favorite writers and I discovered him a few years ago, first through Snow and then through My Name is Red. I enjoyed both books immensely. The newest addition to my bookshelf is an autographed copy of Istanbul which is now patiently waiting its turn. Since then he has been awarded the the 2006 Nobel Prize for Literature and became much more prominently known in the West.

He also gave an interview to the local PBS station KUOW (you can skip the first three minutes or so, it was during a "begathon").


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