Inspiring Gifts That Keep on Giving Throughout the Year
87% of Americans believe holidays should be more about
family and caring for others,
and less about giving and receiving gifts.
family and caring for others,
and less about giving and receiving gifts.
These days when holiday shopping madness ensues even before Thanksgiving has come and gone, it's little wonder so many of us considers shopping a chore and try to avoid the malls during holiday time like a plague!
You can imagine my delight at discovering More Love, Less Stuff as I was leafing through the latest issue of Conscious Choice this past weekend. This simple but meaningful alternative made us decide to do away with conventional gift giving this holiday season. Further research turned up a number of good causes and we finally narrowed down the list to the following three choices. It makes for a short-and-sweet holiday wish list and I hope some of you will find the causes are worth supporting as well:
Vaccinations for 50 people ($50) - DoctorsWithoutBorders.orgTens of thousands of people die every day from preventable diseases. In the developed world, getting vaccinated against meningitis, measles, polio or other deadly diseases is standard practice and a basic part of childhood health, but millions of people in developing nations cannot afford these crucial medicines. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent international medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters, or exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.Help an Entrepreneur With a Loan (Gift Certificates start at $25) - allows one to lend money directly to aspiring entrepreneurs in developing countries. You can choose a recipient from thousands of small-business owners looking for loans through organization's groundbreaking website and the funds are then forwarded through a network of microfinance companies in developing countries. The loan recipient commits to paying the microfinacer back in a specified period of time and when the funds are returned, the lender can choose to withdraw or re-loan.Domestic animals like goats or sheep can make a lasting, meaningful difference in the life and health of a family in many parts of the developing world. Heifer is an international organization whose mission is to end hunger and care for the earth while emphasizing community involvement and sustainable agricultural production. For the past 60 years, it has worked to provide a sustainable solution to hunger by giving animals and livestock to poor people in more than 128 countries.

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